
10 Things to Tell Your Partner That Will Make Them Fall In Love Again

When you first fall in love, everything is bliss. But relationships
aren’t just perpetual rainbows, butterflies, and happy feelings. If you
and your partner aren’t putting an effort into keeping the sparks
ignited and the love alive, the whole relationship could stagnate into
an unsatisfying stalemate.

Even with a busy schedule, all it takes is a little extra effort and a few kind words to
make your partner fall in love with you all over again. Showering your
special someone with compliments and considerate phrases will surely
give your relationship a boost.


“A great relationship is all about falling in love with the same person over and over again.” – Unknown

1.    “YOU’RE SO GOOD AT…”

Compliments seem like sweet nothings, but they can actually be very,
very effective. Just taking a little time out to tell your partner that
they’re doing great work can be incredibly rewarding for them. You’re
acknowledging their efforts and their hard work!

You can also use these words to bolster your partner’s confidence. If
there’s something you know your partner feels insecure about, say
something nice to them.

For example, if your partner thinks they’re a bad cook and you like
the meals they make, say so! Or tell them they’re improving when they do
well. You get to support them, and they might just fall in love all
over again.

Studies have even shown that compliments cause people to perform better at tasks. This means telling your partner they do a great job at an activity means they’ll return even better, more positive results the next time they do that activity!


Couples will go through all sorts of ups and downs in their lives.
When you’re in it for the long run, the occasional bad time is sure to

There may have been a death in your partner’s family. They might
become seriously ill. They might face financial troubles, or lose a job.
Don’t let them forget, through it all, that you love them and are
cheering them on.

When you stand side by side with your partner and tell them you’re in this with them,
they understand that you will stick by their side even during the worst
of times. And if that won’t make someone fall in love again, what will?

3.    “THANK YOU FOR…”

Positive reinforcement is often all two parties need to encourage the other to do somewhat less enjoyable tasks.

  • Did your partner do the dishes?
  • Maybe they took out the trash?
  • Or maybe they’ve been working really hard to understand what you need when you’re stressed out?

All these efforts may seem little, but these are significant actions
performed by a partner. So don’t forget to thank them! Be specific
aboutwhy you’re grateful. Thank them for doing the laundry. Tell them
you appreciate that they took time to understand your anger and remain
gracious. Thank them for buying flowers.

Most of all, don’t neglect to make your partner feel appreciated. Assure them that you notice what they do and value their presence in your life!


Everything’s fine and dandy when you’re in the prime of youth. But as
you grow older, insecurities may grow, too. You and your partner might
notice extra wrinkles, a little more flab, or, simply, more signs of

Compliments about appearance might seem shallow, but they can greatly boost someone’s confidence. Show your partner that you are still attracted to them with meaningful statements, such as:

  • You’re so handsome.
  • Wow, you’re gorgeous!
  • You look beautiful.
  • When you walk into the room, I can’t help but stare.

Don’t forget to give these compliments even when your partner isn’t
all dressed up. If you find them attractive as they lie on the couch in
sweats, tell them. This shows that you’re truly attracted to the very
essence of them and their looks, not just who they try to be. They’ll
fall in love with you all over again!


Selflessness is vital in relationships. You want to show your partner
that you can put their needs above yours. So when they’re stressed out,
busy, or buried in piles of work, try asking how you can be of

Asking how you can help improve your partner’s day shows them that
you truly care. You want to make them feel as good as they possibly can.
What a wonderful message to send to a loved one!

6.    “I’M PROUD OF YOU.”

Sometimes, your partner may not feel like they’re doing a great job. Let them know that you believe they are.

  • Say you’re proud of them for the work they do.
  • Express your amazement at their skills.
  • A little honest flattery goes a long way!

In addition, if you’re proud of your partner’s accomplishments, don’t be shy about bragging about them to others.
Telling others how amazing your partner is will assure the one you love
that you want to show them off. It’s a wonderful feeling that will make
them fall in love with you once more!


Feeling like your partner doesn’t support you can be an awful experience. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that your partner is aware that you always have their back. No matter what comes for them, you’ll be standing right there, ready to fight with them.

Being in a relationship is like being in a team. You have to be there
for each other, no matter what. Telling your partner that you are in it
till the end and following through on your word is one of the most
beautiful things you can do for them.


A busy schedule can keep partners away. Whenever you’re able to …

  • Touch base and ask your partner how their day went.
  • If you’re both hurrying by, check to ask how they are doing.
  • Listen to their answers, understand them, and empathize or sympathize to show you care.

This can mean a lot to a partner and make their entire day. It can
remind them that you care about them and want to know about their
well-being. According to NBC, this is a crucial form of positive
communication in any relationship. It keeps you connected – and you
might just fall in love more the more you do it.


Telling your partner that you are thinking of them is incredibly
romantic. Send them a love song or poem that reminds you of them. Send
them a random text during the day to say you’ve been missing them. It
makes all the difference and can boost their mood and positive thinking.

See something in a store that makes you think of your partner? Take a
picture and let them know! Even if you don’t buy the trinket, you’re
telling your partner that they are on your mind. It doesn’t always have
to something romantic; it can be funny, too. It’s a surefire way to make
them fall in love with you just like they did before!


Whittling down someone’s to-do list can take a huge load off their
shoulders. It’s also a physical way to prove your love to someone. Anyone can say words. Actions always speak louder. When you’re able to tell a partner what you’ve done to help them, it’s a glorious, positive combination!

Make the effort to do something your partner usually has to do. Or,
if you know there’s an errand they have to run, do it in their stead and
surprise them. It’s thoughtful, wholesome, and a great way to make them