
9 Simple Medical Health Check-Ups To Do It At Home

If you take care of your health in the right way, it is advisable to perform a complete health check at least once a year.

However, you can monitor your health during periods between scheduled visits to a doctor. For this, there are unique tests that can indicate a serious illness before the onset of the first symptoms.

We have prepared a set of simple tests for you to assess whether there is a risk of developing a disease and to consult a specialist in time or to ask for an expert opinion.

Heart and lung disease

Fold the index fingers in the form of the reverse letter J and put your fingernails together. Do you notice the tiny diamond between them? Great. Most likely, with your heart and blood vessels, everything is fine with you.

The lack of this tiny space between them can be a symptom of pneumococcal disease. Thickening phalanx of fingers is the result of low oxygen in the blood. There is a lot of reasons for the lack of oxygen. For example, diseases of the heart, lungs, or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

stroke and dementia

You will need a stopwatch for this test. Lift one leg so that the hip is parallel to the floor and note the endurance time.

If you can withstand 20 or more seconds – stroke and early dementia do not endanger you. And vice versa: difficulty balancing on one leg tells of the possible damage to the small blood vessels of the brain.


Standing in front of the mirror, pull the lower eyelid down. Normally that its color is bright pink. However, when the symptoms of anemia, the inside of the lower eyelid has a pale pink or even yellow color.

Muscles and tissues of an organism get insufficient oxygen and can not work full capacity. If you notice fading, increased fatigue, or shortness of breath, it would be good to do a blood glucose analysis.

Hormonal imbalance and lack of micro-elements

Hair loss is a natural process. Doctors say that every day we lose between 50 and 100 hairs. And there’s no reason to worry. But, to understand when it’s time to worry, you can perform a simple test.

The hair must be clean and dry. Grab your fingers with a small beam and pull it, just do not overdo it. If you have 2-3 hair in your hand, there is no reason to worry. But if it’s more – visit doctor.

In losing hair there are many causes, from stress and irregular care to serious health problems. Hair is being tested for hormonal imbalance or lack of nutrients. And this symptom can not be ignored.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

This test reveals the professional deformation of office workers, painters and motorists – carpal tunnel syndrome.

Raise your arms so your forearms are parallel with your face. Try to catch your fingers in the lower part of your palm. Hold in this position for 1-2 minutes. If you feel hiccups, tingling or pain in your fingers or fingers, this can be a sign of the carpal tunnel syndrome.

This syndrome occurs when the surrounding tissues are pressed by the middle nerve. With no healing treatment, pain and tingling will only increase. And fine motor mechanics will get worse.


To carry out the next test, you will need a pencil, eraser and help from a friend. Your friend needs to touch your foot and toes on your feet with a sharp and dull part of the pen, alternately. Will you be able to determine which side of the pencil you have touched without peeking?

If you do not feel full touch, small nerve endings work poorly. Reduced sensitivity may indicate neuropathy – damage to the nerves due to diabetes.

Arterial problems

In a lying position, lift your feet at an angle of 45 ° and hold for a few minutes. And then evaluate the color of your legs. Highly pale, almost white, feet and fingers are a sign of poor blood flow due to clogged arteries. The color change can be noticeable on only one leg or enlarged to both.

Peripheral arteries supply limbs with blood. And when the flow through the arteries is difficult, the muscles do not get enough oxygen and the unpleasant symptoms appear: stiffness, pain and limp.

This is called peripheral artery disease, and in the initial phase, it occurs without symptoms. If it is not treated in time, it can lead to heart or stroke.


You need to be locked in a quiet room for this test. Put your hand around your ear and rub your fingers one over the other. Can you hear the sound?

And now slowly move your hand until the distance from ear to fingers reaches 15 cm. Still hear the sound of your fingers? Congratulations, your hearing is fine. Do not forget to carry out the procedure with another ear.

Predispositions for heart and blood vessel diseases

To pass this test, you must leave the house. You have to climb the stairs (10-12 steps), singing a song. You can talk, tune in on the phone or recite a song. It is important – not to be silent.

If the heart wants to pop you out of your chest, and your breathing is accelerated, then the cardiovascular system and lungs can not cope with the load.

We remind you that these tests can not replace a specialist medical examination. And with any alarms, you should seek professional help.