
8 Effective Core Exercises For Women Over 40 Years Old

We do not really want to scare you, ladies, but a
large belly can be a sign of the beginning of a serious illness –
abdominal obesity, which recently acquired the status of an epidemic all
over the world. Fatty creases on the abdomen become not only an
aesthetic issue but also a medical problem.

Of course, you can blame mother nature. Some women
are lucky, they can eat high-calorie food and not plump up, while your
excess weight grows like a snowball. Such thoughts and tactics of
behavior are incorrect. Thinking in such a way won’t help you.

At a younger age your figure may have been
flawless, then after 40 years old, disgusting folds appeared on your
abdomen. Today we will show you 8 effective exercises to strengthen the
abdominal muscles and remove excess fat.

#1. Dumbbell Step-Ups

Credit: BetterMe

Credit: BetterMe

– Place a bench in front of you. Hold a pair of
dumbbells and stand facing the bench. Brace your core and keep your gaze
straight ahead.

– Bring your right knee up and step up on to the
bench. Placing all of the effort in your right leg, bring your body up
into a standing position on the bench.

– Slowly lower yourself to the starting position and switch legs.

#2. Clams

Credit: BetterMe

Credit: BetterMe

– On a mat or comfortable surface, lie on your
left side. Place your left hand behind your head while placing your
right hand across your body.

– Bend your stacked knees so that your feet are
behind you. Begin the movement by lifting the left knee up while keeping
the feet together.

– Pause at the top of the movement and slowly lower your left knee down to the starting position.

#3. Push-ups

Credit: BetterMe

Credit: BetterMe

– Place a Swiss Ball on the ground and lie face
down in front of it. With your hands beneath your shoulders, push
yourself up into a classic Push-Up position. With a tight core, place
one foot on the Swiss Ball. Once you feel balanced, position the other
foot on the ball as well.

– Maintaining a braced core and a flat back,
slowly lower your upper body towards the floor. Focus all of the tension
into your chest. Your feet will remain on the ball, fighting for
balance during the movement.

– Push yourself back into the starting position before beginning again.

#4. Bird Dogs

Credit: BetterMe

Credit: BetterMe

– Position yourself on all fours with knees
underneath the hips and wrists under the shoulders. Engage your abs and
keep your spine neutral, pulling the shoulder blades towards the hips.

– Lengthen the left leg until it is straight out
and in line with your hips while simultaneously raising and
straightening your right arm until it is parallel to the floor. Keep
your head and shoulders aligned at all times.

– Gently lower your arm and leg back to the starting position and alternate with the other arm and leg.

#5. Crunches

Credit: BetterMe

Credit: BetterMe

– Lie flat on your back with your feet flat on the
ground, with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Alternatively, you can
place your feet up on a bench a few inches apart with your toes turned
inwards and touching.

– Place your hands lightly on either side of your
head. Keep your elbows in so that they are parallel to your body. Push
your back down flat into the floor to isolate your abdominal muscles.
Gently curl your shoulders forward and up off the floor.

– Continue to push down into the floor with your
lower back. Raise your shoulders about four to six inches only. Hold and
squeeze your abdominal muscles for a count of one. Return to the start
position in a smooth movement.

#6. Burpees

Credit: BetterMe

Credit: BetterMe

– Stand straight with your feet shoulder width
apart and hands by your sides. This is the start position. In one smooth
motion, squat down and place your hands palms down on the floor in
front of your feet.

– Lean forward, so your weight is on your hands,
at the same time jumping your legs out behind you until they are fully
extended. Your body should form a straight line with your weight
supported on your toes and the balls of your feet and your arms fully
extended. (In a push up position)

– Jump your feet out by spreading your legs, so
that they are wider than hip width apart, then immediately jump them
back together. Complete 1 full push up.

– Jump your feet forward to just behind your
hands. Use an explosive motion to push through your heels and return to
the start postion. Repeat.

#7. Reverse Crunch

Credit: BetterMe

Credit: BetterMe

– Lie flat on an exercise mat on the floor. Extend
your legs fully and place your hands palms down, flat on the floor
beside you. Keeping your feet together, draw your knees up towards your
chest, until your thighs are at 90 degrees to the floor and your calves
are parallel to it. This is the start position.

– As you inhale, curl your hips up off the floor
while bringing your knees further towards your chest. Continue the
movement until your knees are touching your chest, or as far as

– Hold for a count of one. In a controlled movement, return your legs to the start position, exhaling as you do so. Repeat.

#8. Double Crunches

Credit: BetterMe

Credit: BetterMe

– Lie on your back. Bring your knees up to a
90-degree angle. Shins should be parallel to the floor. Place your hands
behind your head and bring your shoulders off the ground.

– Exhale and contract your abdominals. Bring your head towards your knees while moving your knees toward your chest.

– Pause and return to the starting position.