
Chia Seed For Weight Loss With Diet Plan And Recipes

How To Weight Loss With Chia Seeds? Weight loss is the biggest
concern of the new age. With the increase in junk food habits and
unhealthy lifestyle, putting on weight has become one of the most
fundamental problems among men and women of all age groups. Although we
come across 100 new ways each day o lose all the excess weight, not
everything seems legit, or doable or even fun.

How To Weight Loss With Chia Seeds With Diet Plan And Recipes

Let us now see how to eat chia seeds in interesting ways – you can
try new recipes with it and make the process fun and interesting.

Recipe #1 with Banana and Yoghurt

  1. Take a mixer jar and add the following ingredients.
  2. Add a full peeled banana by chopping it into fine pieces.
  3. 4-5 peeled blueberries as well.
  4. Tablespoon of Greek yoghurt.
  5. Add a cup of soy milk to the jar.
  6. 2 tablespoons of chia seeds at last.
  7. Close the jar and grind all the ingredients well to get a delicious smoothie.

Recipe #2 with Almond and Honey

  1. Take a mixer jar and add the following ingredients.
  2. 2 tablespoons of organic honey.
  3. Cup of almond milk.
  4. Tablespoon of vanilla extract.
  5. Add a teaspoon of nutmeg as well.
  6. 4 tablespoons of chia seeds at last.
  7. Close the jar and grind all the ingredients well.
  8. Refrigerate the mix for some hours and eat after it becomes a nice pudding.

Additionally, you can also follow this basic daily diet:

  • For breakfast, eat oatmeal with chia seeds. You can also add a
    banana, 4 almonds to your oatmeal. Instead of coffee or tea, have a cup
    of green tea.
  • In the middle of the day, when you are hungry, do not munch on junk, instead have a boiled egg and a glass of fresh juice.
  • For lunch, have a salad and a glass of buttermilk.
  • Your evening snack can include a cup of green tea and a gluten-free multigrain biscuit.
  • End
    your day with an early dinner that can include either grilled
    fish/chicken/mushroom. Add some vegetables to this along with a spoon of
    chia seeds.
  • Before going to bed drink ½ cup warm milk.

Losing weight is a big task. To accept we are overweight and to work
towards that takes a lot of courage and bravery. It is a moment like
this that one yearns for an easy remedy that involves easy dieting
pattern which at the end also gives results. This is exactly where Chia
seeds come into the light. They are simple magic seeds like the ones
Jack got that can help you lose weight.