
The First Signs of CANCER Appear on Your Hands (Here’s How to Spot Them!)

Various types of cancer come with varied symptoms and different
treatments. However, every type of cancer shares one thing in common:
the very first cancer symptoms usually appear on the hands.

According to a team of British scientists, these signs usually appear in
the form of either cracks or swellings along with thickening of the
skin. It is also notable that the hands of affected individuals almost
always become harsh. Although most of these changes are visual, they are
usually not very noticeable. Experts insist on the importance of having
a comprehensive understanding when it comes to these signs, especially
since they point to changes in your body.

Prompt medical attention and suitable dietary plans implemented in
the early stages can effectively treat and cure cancerous cells. This
can only be possible after early detection, which entails noticing the
signs and symptoms in time. Seek medical attention or guidance
immediately you notice any of the symptoms mentioned in this article to
be on the safe side.

Other Cancer Symptoms

Shortness of breath or wheezing

This is among the very first signs of lung cancer. Most patients
suffering from lung cancer notice shortness of breath, difficulty in
breathing, or wheezing. Unfortunately, this sign is frequently
misdiagnosed as an indication of asthma, even in the cases that involve
lung cancer.

Chest pains or chronic coughs

Various types of cancer such as lung cancer and leukemia usually
involve symptoms quite similar to chronic coughs or bronchitis. One of
the ways in which you can recognize the difference is that the problem
either disappears and reappears in a repeating cycle or persists.

Frequent fevers or infections

It can usually indicate cancer of the blood cells and leukemia.
Leukemia makes the body produce abnormal white blood cells, leading to
the healthy white blood cells’ inabilities to fight against infections.
Leukemia is often diagnosed in adults only after patients complain of
frequent fevers and flu-like symptoms. On the other hand, cancer of the
blood cells usually begins in the bone marrow.

Difficulty in swallowing

This symptom usually indicates cancer of the throats or esophagus.
However, difficulty in swallowing is also among the first signs of lung

Lumps in the armpit, neck, or groin

Enlarged lymph nodes are a sign of alterations in the human lymphatic
system, a common symptom of cancer. For instance, enlarged lymph nodes
or a lump in the armpits is at times an indication of breast cancer. A
painless lump in the armpit, groin, or neck is almost always an early
sign of leukemia.

Excessive and continual bruising or bleeding

Often indicates abnormal platelet and red blood cell activity, common
symptoms of leukemia. You should not ignore the development of red
spots on your face or bruise on your fingers, hands, neck, and chest.

Abdominal or pelvic pains

Pelvic pains can mean several things on their own. They are a common
indication of polycystic ovary syndrome as well as other reproductive
tract disorders. In most cases, these symptoms lead to cancer.

Blood in the stool or rectal bleeding

Blood in the stool is among the very first symptoms of rectal
bleeding and colon cancer. It is, however, notable that patients often
confuse blood in the stool with hemorrhoids. If you happen to notice any
of these symptoms, seek medical advice or assistance immediately.

Unexplained loss of weight

Losing weight without alteration in your diet or lifestyle is often
an early indication of colon cancer and several other digestive
diseases. It can also be an indication of cancerous infections capable
of affecting both your appetite and your body’s ability to remove waste
after spreading to the liver.

Unexplained changes in your nails

Usually a symptom of several types of cancer. Dots under the nail and
brown or black lines often indicate skin cancer. White or pale nails
are usually a sign of liver failure, a symptom of liver cancer.


Most of the cancer symptoms can easily be confused as indications of
several other medical complications. As such and as evidenced by the
signs listed above, it is imperative that you seek immediate medical
attention once you notice any of these symptoms. Only further testing
conducted by professionals can confirm whether or not you have cancer.