
5 Things Your Partner Should Never Ask You For

When you’re in a relationship, you want to do everything you can for
your partner. When you’re in love, you’d move heaven and earth to make
your partner smile. But when does this become dangerous, as opposed to

Unfortunately, there are people out there that seek to use and abuse
the trust and devotion of their significant other. They ask for
seemingly small things one at a time until they build up into a
terrifying crescendo of toxicity and emotional abuse that is very
difficult to break free from.

It’s important that you are aware of the difference between a reasonable request and a controlling, manipulative one. That way, you can catch any harmful ones and nip them in the bud before they grow out of control.


Each person in a relationship should have their own lives outside of
the partnership – friends, family, or any other kind of social group
that is separate from their partner’s. They should not be made to feel
like they have to cut themselves off and rely on their partner alone.
This is extremely unhealthy and leads to codependency.

A partner who tries to cut you off from those you care about is exhibiting a form of emotional abuse.
They are forcing you to depend only on them and keeping you to
themselves. It’s jealous, controlling, and toxic. They may say
convincing things, such as: (1)

  • But I don’t get to spend any time with you anymore! (Even when you spend a lot of time with them already.)
  • I don’t trust that friend of yours. I’m pretty sure they’re backstabbing you.
  • Your mother is toxic; don’t you see that? I’m just looking out for you!
  • I’m just not comfortable with you having male/female friends.
  • None of your friends like you anyway.

It’s not unusual for a partner to dislike the occasional person in
your life. Not everyone is going to get along. They are more than
welcome to talk to you about their worries regarding someone in your
life; however, they must respect that, at the end of the day, it is your
decision who you keep in your life.


Partners are supposed to support each other and lift each other up.
They are supposed to celebrate together and be proud of each other. If
your partner is telling you that you shouldn’t or don’t deserve to be
proud, or that you should tone it down a notch, that’s a big red flag.


When you’re in a relationship,
you want to do everything you can for your partner. When you’re in
love, you’d move heaven and earth to make your partner smile. But when
does this become dangerous, as opposed to romantic?

Unfortunately, there are people out there that seek to use and abuse
the trust and devotion of their significant other. They ask for
seemingly small things one at a time until they build up into a
terrifying crescendo of toxicity and emotional abuse that is very
difficult to break free from.

It’s important that you are aware of the difference between a reasonable request and a controlling, manipulative one. That way, you can catch any harmful ones and nip them in the bud before they grow out of control.


No partner is perfect. At some point, your partner will slip up and
wrong you. But if their immediate reaction when you call them out on the
problem is to deflect blame or make excuses, you’re in trouble. A
partner like this might say things like:

  • I didn’t mean to do it! Can’t you just forget it, already?
  • Come on, it’s not a big deal. Let it go.
  • You made me do this!

In these cases, they may be asking you to forgive and overlook actions like:

  • Violence
  • Unwarranted outbursts
  • Cheating
  • Invasions of personal privacy
  • Violation of boundaries

Should you hold a grudge forever? No, of course not; you have to either move forward in the relationship or decide to break up. It’s not fair to hold a mistake against someone forever.

But, at the same time, you should not feel forced or guilt-tripped
into forgiving and forgetting too quickly – and you definitely shouldn’t
be asked to overlook toxicity. Instead, work together to overcome the
problem with positive thinking.


You’re not your partner’s errand-servant. You’re not there to solve
their problems on your own so they can avoid them. If a partner
continuously asks you to take on a middleman role, tread carefully. Here
are a couple of situations where you might find yourself in the middle.


A partner may get into a disagreement with someone you know and force
you to pick a side. While you will likely support your partner because
of your loyalty to them, the choice should still be up to you in the end
and you shouldn’t be pressured into agreeing with them.


Does your partner ask you to help them communicate with their friends
or family members? Are you constantly asked to be the one to pass
messages to others on their behalf, so they don’t have to face the
consequences? This simply isn’t fair on you.


A toxic partner will say something like: “It’s either me or them!” In essence, they try to force you to choose either something/someone you care for very much or your relationship. This is a form of blackmail and cannot be looked upon in any positive way.


Some partners may feel insecure about the fact that you earn more or
similar to them. Conversely, if you earn less than them, they may think
negatively of you for not earning enough. Either way, these are toxic
thoughts to have – and when acted on, they are especially damaging.