6 Indications Of Overall Health Given By Your Hands
In many ways, your hands are the first things that a stranger will
notice about you, be it while shaking hands or while handing something
In this context, it’s essential that you know that your hands are
significant indicators of the state of your inner health. This means, by
looking at your hands, you or anybody else can guess whether you are
healthy or not.
In this article, I’d inform you about 7 things which your hands show about your health:
1. Skin Peeling
If the skin on the palm of your hand is peeling off regularly, it means
that you are deficient in Vitamin B. This is particularly true when you
see the flaky skin on your fingertips.
If you are suffering from this, make sure you take adequate amount of
mushrooms, peanuts, avocados and other Vitamin B rich food.
2. Shaky Hands
In most cases, shaky hands are caused by an excessive amount of caffeine
intake. Such cases are not very serious and can be reversed with a
little change in your lifestyle. However, they sometime might be
indicators of Parkinson’s disease, and thus, you must consult your
doctor if the problems persist.
3. Weak Nails
Abnormally weak nails are a sign of low zinc levels in the body.
Deficiency of Zinc causes inadequate skin development and regeneration.
In order to tackle this, you must take food like oats, nuts, meat and
4. Impoverished Nail Pads
White nails indicate internal weakness. If you have white stains on your
fingernails, it means that your blood has low levels of RBC. Inadequate
RBC, in turn, leads to inadequate oxygen supply to the nails.
5. Bluish Nails
If you have Raynaud’s disorder, you are more than likely to witness blue
or red fingertips, instead of the normal white. You will experience a
chilling sensation on your fingertips which may be accompanied by
numbness and shivers.
The primary cause behind these symptoms is a shrinking of the blood vessels and veins in the palm area.
It can be effectively treated by available prescription drugs.
Alongside, you can do your bit in curing the condition, by using gloves.
Moreover, you should let go of your habit of smoking and exercise
regularly to maintain adequate blood pressure levels.
6. Dry Hands and Rashes
Do you have dry, rough hands no matter how much moisturizer you put on
them? It’s possible that you have inflammation of the skin.
Technically, this condition is known as Dermatitis and it may also cause
rashes and irritation. If the condition is severe, you must immediately
consult your dermatologist.
In most cases, dry skin can be caused by a deficiency of Vitamin A.
Moreover, the condition is worsened by excessive exposure to paper and
other similar material.
7. Hyperpigmentation
If you find dark colored spots on your hands, then, it is a result of
hyperpigmentation. Mostly, it is caused by excessive exposure to direct
sunlight. In order to avoid this, you could use effective creams which
have SPF to protect the skin against sunlight.
So, in all, you must take good care of your hands and must always be
aware of the changes in their appearance. In doing so, you could be
aware of some severe health issues in advance and can take necessary
steps to prevent it.