
Destroy Your Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin Tags And Age Spots Completely Naturally

Most of us at a certain period of our life can suffer from some skin issues such as skin tags, moles, skin breakouts, or clogged pores. Hormonal imbalance or changes in your lifestyle are the main causes for this.

There are a lot of skin products which can help you to solve your problem, but they are full of harmful chemicals and sometimes they are not so effective.

Instead of using these harmful products, we recommend you to try a homemade remedy which is simple and easy to made, and moreover it has amazing results.

Try these natural remedies which will help you to solve your skin issues:


Moles are known as groups of skin pigmentation cells- melanocytes, and they can appear at any period of your life. They are usually a result of genetics or exposure to sun.

You can eliminate moles with the garlic extract. Firstly, use a masking tape or petroleum jelly to protect the skin around the mole and apply the garlic extract to the mole. Cover the area with a bandage and let it stand for 4 hours. Repeat the procedure every day.

Castor Oil and Baking Soda
The mixture of baking soda and castor oil can be also effective. Mix the baking soda and castor oil and apply the mixture on the mole. Cover the area with a bandage and let it stand during the night. In the morning, remove the bandage and wash the area. This procedure needs to be repeated every night.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can help you to eliminate moles. You need to soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. Then, apply it on the mole. Cover with a bandage and let it stand for 8 hours.

2. Warts

Human papilloma virus or HPV is the main cause of warts. They are usually manifested by mucous membranes or small bumps on the skin. Most of the people, treat warts with freezing or salicyclic acid. But, we suggest the following remedies:

Just rub the wart with a banana peel every night. This procedure needs to be repeated for 2 weeks until the wart disappear.

Pure Raw Honey
Honey is very effective in removing warts. Rub the wart with honey and secure it with a bandage. It will successfully remove the warts.

Apple Cider Vinegar
You need to apply apple cider vinegar at night. Just soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and cover with a bandage. Let it stand during the night. Then, you need to replace it with a new soak cotton.

You can remove a wart in 2 weeks, by using a garlic juice or crushed garlic. Rub the wart with crushed garlic every night, and cover with a bandage. Also, you need to apply garlic juice on the wart 2 times daily.

3. Skin Tags

Skin tags are known as growths on the skin and appear on the neck area, underarms, eyelids, and upper chest. Skin rubbing usually cause these skin tags. Most of the people remove them by freezing, cutting off, and tying off. But, we recommend you to try the following natural remedies.

Apple Cider Vinegar
You need to soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. Press the skin tag with the soaked cotton ball, and let it stand for some time. The skin tag will get darken and fall off by itself in only a few days.

Tea Tree Oil
Add a few drops of tea tree oil on a water soaked cotton ball. Press the cotton ball on the skin tag and secure it with a bandage. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times daily for 1 month.

Baking Soda and Castor Oil
You can eliminate skin tags with this mixture. Mix castor oil and baking soda and apply the paste to the skin tag. Secure it with a bandage. Do this procedure 2-3 times daily.

4.Dark Spots

Darks spots or age spots are discolored patches on the skin on the hands, forearms, and face. It is believed that they are caused by an aging liver or a sun exposure. We recommend you to try the following natural remedies:


Lemon acts as a natural bleached and it will effectively remove the dark spots. Just soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and rub on the dark spot two times a day.

Aloe Vera

You need to put fresh aloe on the dark spot and let it stand for 30 minutes.


You need to blend or juice the onion and just apply on the dark spot. Let it stand for 10-15 minutes and wash it off. Repeat the procedure until the dark spots disappear.


Mix a horseradish with vinegar and apply the mixture on the dark spot on a daily basis.

Vitamin C Serums

Vitamin C serums are very effective in eliminating dark spots. Also, they will repair your damaged skin.

5. Clearing Out Clogged Pores

Oil buildup is the main reason for clogged pores. They are not a serious skin issue, but however they need to be removed and they can become infected if are not removed in time.

Sugar Scrub

Make a paste with lemon and sugar which will help you to restore the shine of the skin. Use an organic cotton washcloth to rub the area by making circular movements. Then, rinse your face with warm water.


You need to wash your face and place it over a pot with boiled water. In order to be exposed as much steam as possible make sure to cover the head with a towel. Do this for 10-15 minutes. Then, wash your face with warm water. In order to clean up any extra debris, you can apply vinegar.