
How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Using Coconut Oil

Are you constantly worried about the signs of aging on your face? Do
you think wrinkles and dark spots are ruining your beauty? If yes, you
have to start including coconut oil in your skin care routine. It is
natural, effective, and absolutely safe. Read on to know more about this
awesome ingredient.

Wrinkles can occur anywhere on your face –
around the mouth, forehead furrows, and around the eyes. Though there
are various cosmetic treatments to reduce wrinkles, coconut oil is the
safest way to go. It boosts the production of collagen and encourages
the regeneration of cells in your skin. It effectively fades away
wrinkles and makes your skin taut.

And the best thing about
coconut oil is that it isn’t expensive. Would you like to learn more
about coconut oil and how it can treat wrinkles?

Use Coconut Oil In the Following Ways

1. Coconut Oil For Wrinkles

You Will Need

Virgin coconut oil

What You Have To Do
  1. Cleanse your face and rinse it with cool water. Pat dry.
  2. Take a few drops of coconut oil on your fingertips
  3. And apply to your face and neck. Massage in circular motions for a few minutes.
  4. Leave the oil on overnight.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this every night before you go to sleep.

Why This Works

Coconut oil fights free radicals, reduces wrinkles, and makes your skin clear. It also soothes your skin and moisturizes it (1, 2).

2. Apple Cider Vinegar And Coconut Oil For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • A few drops of virgin coconut oil
  • Cotton ball
What You Have To Do
  1. Dilute the ACV with water and apply it to your face using the cotton ball.
  2. Let it dry naturally.
  3. Now, massage your face with coconut oil.
  4. Keep the oil on overnight.
How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this every night.

Why This Works

ACV works as an astringent. It balances the skin’s pH and tones the skin before the coconut oil is applied (3).

3. Castor Oil And Coconut Oil For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • 2-3 drops organic coconut oil
  • 2-3 drops castor oil
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix both the oils and use this blend to massage your face gently.
  2. Leave it on for as long as possible, preferably overnight.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this every day to keep your skin wrinkle-free.

Why This Works

oil is a deep conditioner for the skin that contains antioxidants and
anti-inflammatory components as well. It keeps your skin supple and
youthful without any fine lines and wrinkles (4, 5).

4. Vitamin E And Coconut Oil For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • A few drops of organic coconut oil
What You Have To Do
  1. Pierce the vitamin E capsule carefully and pour the contents into a bowl.
  2. To this, add the coconut oil and mix well.
  3. Apply this oil blend all over a clean and dry face. Massage it in for a few minutes.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this every night.

Why This Works

E hydrates the skin and quells the unhealthy dryness that may be a
cause of the wrinkles and fine lines. It also contains tocopherol, which
is an antioxidant that helps to rejuvenate dull and aging skin (6, 7).

5. Coconut Oil And Honey For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon raw honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix the oil and honey.
  2. Apply this mixture to the affected area and let it sit for about an hour.
  3. Rinse it off with water.
How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this once every day.

Why This Works

Honey is rich in antioxidants that heal damaged skin (8). This will eventually iron out the wrinkles and give your skin a wonderful glow.

6. Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil
  • A few drops of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon raw milk
What You Have To Do
  1. Add the lemon juice to the milk and mix until the milk curdles.
  2. Add the coconut oil to this and mix well.
  3. Apply this mixture on your face and massage for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Leave it on for another 15 minutes and then rinse it off.
How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this every day.

Why This Works

juice cleanses the skin and tightens the pores. It contains vitamin C
that enhances the skin’s elasticity and reduces wrinkles (9, 10). The curdled milk moisturizes the skin.


Do not use this remedy if you are allergic to dairy and dairy products.

7. Coconut Oil And Turmeric For Wrinkles

You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil
  • A pinch of turmeric powder
What You Have To Do
  1. Add the turmeric powder to the oil and mix well.
  2. Apply the paste on the wrinkles and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Rinse it off with water.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this once every day.

Why This Works

contains antioxidants that protect the skin from damage due to free
radicals. It enhances the collagen production in the skin and improves
its elasticity. It also contains anti-inflammatory compounds (11).


Make sure you purchase a product that is organic and hasn’t crossed the expiry date.

might have heard about the uses of coconut oil for cooking and
cleaning, but how many of you actually knew about its beauty benefits?
Coconut oil is great for your skin and hair as well. It is commonly used
these days to treat wrinkles, and the methods described above are quite
simple and effortless.

This is all about coconut oil and
wrinkles.Start using this magical ingredient today, and look young for
long! Do you know of any other ways on how to use coconut oil for
wrinkles? Tell us by leaving a comment below.

Source: stylecraze